The Catholic School Advisory Commission (CSAC) meets monthly with the pastor and principal in an advisory capacity to assist school leadership in the areas of development, planning, technology, facilities, and mission effectiveness. The Our Lady of the Assumption School CSAC operates under the model provided by the Diocese of Sacramento Catholic School Advisory Committee Manual. The CSAC is made up of committees to assist in the aforementioned tasks. CSAC members recruit parents, parishioners, and staff members to serve in these committees. All work done in committees is then reported to the CSAC. Action items are discussed and approved by consensus with the approval of the pastor and the principal. A planning committee has been assembled to create a long- term strategic plan for the school, consisting of parents, faculty members and other parishioners.
See school calendar to verify dates/times. Each CSAC meeting is held at the school and has open sessions that school parents and parishioners may attend.