Teacher: Mrs. Alynn Wright
My goal is for the children to love school and learning, and to have fun along the way.The safe community at OLA fosters a strong partnership between home and school.This helps to build a solid foundation that supports spiritual, academic, and social growth for each of its students.
Religion:We begin each day with a prayer and learn how much God loves us.We learn that Jesus teaches us about God’s love.As the year progresses, we learn that we belong to the Church and we are encouraged to celebrate and live our faith daily.We attend Mass twice a month.
Language Arts:Through our integrated reading and language arts program, students learn how to read fluently and how to write detailed paragraphs.The children are challenged to become critical thinkers and independent workers.The goal is for children to develop a love of reading and writing.
Math:A hands-on approach is used to develop math concepts.During the year students:
Social Studies:In social studies students learn that we are all unique with many things to offer the world.They also learn about:
Science:Science is a very hands on subject.Topics include:
P.E., Music, Computer: Children have P.E. three times a week, Music twice a week, and Computers once a week.
Art: Children have weekly art projects and are given the opportunity to enhance their writing with illustrations.The Art Docent program teaches children about fine art.